Bali is truly my favorite place to BE. It always adds color and vibrancy to my days and countless opportunities for inspiration as well as reflection. Ceremonies are frequent and famous on this Hindu island and there is always something, somewhere to celebrate and honor. As much as Bali transforms and modernizes, the Balinese continue to prioritize their community and religious duties in their daily lives and it remains the core of an otherwise changing world. For that they have my utmost admiration and respect.
Witnessing ceremonial processions, as the local community (banjar) makes it’s way to the Temple for festivities, is a usual part of life on Bali and something we’ve seen countless times. Quite often though, I don’t have camera in hand, my view is blocked or the photos blurry; however, on this day the gods conspired to provide me with my very own Postcard Perfect Photo Op. It was kismet! All the elements came together for my Kodak moment – especially with so many beautiful Balinese women gracefully balancing such high trays of Temple Offerings (you don’t see those large offerings all the time!). Sitting in our vehicle, with front row view, Iphone in hand, I snapped away and was deeply grateful for the opportunity to BE here, NOW. And my additional gift of these images, to always remind me of the beauty of the day.

Ceremonial Procession of Balinese Women with Temple Offerings. Look at how high the Offerings are! It must have been a very special occasion.

Such Grace & Beauty in 91 degree temps! Ceremonial Procession of Balinese Women with Temple Offerings.